Radiant Church

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To the Ends of the Earth

I recently returned from a Radiant Impact Trip to Kurdistan, Iraq. What an adventure! As with all great experiences, it was wrought with excitement, struggles, love stories, humility, physical challenges, new discoveries, new relationships, and incredible food! It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The immersion into the culture and community was remarkable. By the end of the week, I felt like I belonged there in some way. The Lord was clear that this season in my life is meant for homefront work and short-term trips. However, I am certain I took a piece of that beautiful place home with me in my heart.

The depth of my experience and the impact this trip had on me is more than I can write in a single post. I am almost two weeks out from my trip, and I am still processing all the Lord stirred in me. I will do my best to share a few key nuggets.

As I prepared for the trip, I had many people ask me why on earth I would want to go to the Middle East. For me, it was two-fold. One reason is that the Lord stirred a desire in my heart to go the first time I saw the trip advertised in early 2020. If you had asked me the day before I saw that posting if I wanted to go to the Middle East, my answer would have been a confident “no.”  And yet, when I saw it, I just knew this was something the Lord was calling me to. Second, I wasn’t just going to some far away land. I was going to “THE” land. I was going to see the Nineveh Plains. I was going to stand on the Isaiah 19 Highway. I was going to walk the same paths that people in the Bible walked. A land once inhabited by Jesus, and now the very act of calling Him “Lord” is illegal. God loves this land, He loves these people, and He calls me to love them too. In order to love someone, you must know them, and it must cost you something. So, I resisted the fears of others and went on a mission to fall in love with this land and these people.

First of all, falling in love with the land was not difficult. It is incredibly beautiful and not at all what you would expect in Iraq. It is lush and mountainous. It is breathtaking. And the people, well, they are just as lovely. They are humble and kind. Hospitable and gracious. They told us they love Israel, and they love America. They call themselves our ally. And in all of this, they are hopeless and joyless because they live in a country and follow a religion that doesn’t care about them. 

The oppression in this region was astounding. This is a people that is either preparing for war, actively in war, or rebuilding from war. There is never a time of peace. Their government doesn’t provide it, their religion doesn’t provide it, and they are without the resources or power to provide it for themselves. There is incredible suffering in this land. It was heartbreaking, and I felt very small in the face of these realities. I was confronted with the question of what could I do to make a real difference? How could I contribute to bringing hope and ending such suffering? 

I realized I could accept the fact that suffering remains until Jesus returns. Jesus becoming the Lord over someone’s life brings hope and joy, but it doesn’t eliminate suffering. In fact, the Bible says the exact opposite; suffering is guaranteed for those who love and follow Jesus. Jesus wants to return, and He will only do so once all ears have heard His name. And He has commanded each of us who call Him Lord to go and share Him to the ends of the earth. It’s not a suggestion; it’s a command. It may feel daunting but remember, God always meets us where we are. If this is the first time the Holy Spirit has pricked your heart about missions, He probably won’t ask you to jump right into an international trip. He might, but more than likely, He will ask you to take the next step forward, to make an impact. The next step might be setting up a time to talk with Pastor Joel Doorlag or Rachel Sims about missions at Radiant, or maybe you have done some trips or served in some organizations, and your next step is looking into an Impact Trip, or maybe it’s to join a Global Missions Prayer Group to pray weekly for missionaries, people groups, and organizations around the world working to bring God’s Kingdom. I urge you to go before the Lord and ask Him what your next step is. If you ask Him, He will tell you. That’s just how He works.

I know that I will never be the same after this trip. It has fueled a love and passion for the coming Kingdom in a way I never imagined. Every facet of my life has been touched by this one act of obedience. It has left a lasting impact. I am forever grateful for this opportunity. 

If you would like to talk more about my experience or need someone to come alongside you in praying for your next step in walking out the Lord’s Commandment in your life, I’m here. I would love to be a part of your journey. 

Do you feel your story can serve as a hope and inspiration to others? Contact us at mystory@radiant.church.